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  • Product not yet rated

    During this 30-minute session, the SHARE Board of Director Officers will review a business update for the SHARE organization, including highlights from SHARE 2023 events, a financial overview and an update on investments SHARE is making to enhance the community experience.

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    To some folks, the MVS System Trace probably looks like "Matrix" code but, like so many other things on our platform, it's actually intended to be human readable and the information it contains is priceless -- whether you've suffered an abend, are in a hard loop, have a performance issue, or just want to understand what's going on while a program is running. The presenter will discuss how to glean information from the MVS System Trace in various common scenarios and will provide useful advice for configuring both the system and your program to ensure the MVS System Trace has everything you and your software vendors need to debug even the most challenging issue.

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    IBM recently GA'ed their latest version of the z/OS operating system: z/OS 2.5. Join us for a whirlwind tour of many of the new features and enhancements available in z/OS 2.5 as well as some continuous delivery enhancements delivered in z/OS 2.4 since the last SHARE event.