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  • Product not yet rated Recorded On: 08/21/2022

    In today's fast paced environment, the modern developer faces issues keeping applications up and running in the 24/7/365 world. See how a developer can use modern tools to shoot a dump, make coding changes, generate those changes, and then walk through and test those changes. Then, after all is said and done, kick off a pipeline to complete the testing before promoting the code to the next stage in the life cycle.

  • Product not yet rated Recorded On: 08/22/2022

    Want a z/OS instance for rapid dev/test cycles, or agile function delivery ahead of deploying for end to end integration testing? In this session you'll learn how to achieve this as a user, using Wazi-aaS in IBM Cloud: how to set up an IBM Cloud account ; how to create a virtual private cloud and secure the resources inside it; and how to create and connect to a z/OS instance.

  • Product not yet rated Recorded On: 08/22/2022

    Application deployment is a critical piece of DevOps transformation for many organizations. In this session, we will discuss the considerations and pre-requisites for a deployment solution, including the need for audit control, rollback etc. for zOS applications. This session will also demo deployment based on Ansible and python and discuss the pros and cons of each method.

  • Product not yet rated Recorded On: 08/22/2022

    This session will discuss the next step in DevOps, moving to DevSecOps and scaling to the enterprise to support the needs for continuous compliance while reducing the workload for the individual product teams. Learn how we are building an internal Developer Experience team, that supports all platforms for the Hybrid Cloud including z/OS development and the model we are using to bring more consistency, better experience and reduced duplication of effort.

  • Product not yet rated Recorded On: 08/22/2022

    The end-to-end DevOps pipeline is composed of several major phases representing the application lifecycle, from the Coding stage to the Monitoring stage. It combines the best practices and toolset for development and operations, to speed up the delivery lifecycle while enhancing the quality of applications and reducing risks of failures. In this session, we'll demonstrate an implementation of this pipeline with a Mainframe application and including a wide variety of products integrated and complementing one another to create an automated CI/CD pipeline.

  • Product not yet rated Recorded On: 08/22/2022

    Git has transformed distributed DevOps as a not-so-secret weapon for source code management (SCM) and version control. Now mainframe teams can get the same benefits-while making a seamless transition to a more streamlined DevOps lifecycle. BMC Compuware ISPW unlocks the power of Git to help mainframe organizations: "¢ Enable full support for Agile and DevOps best practices on the mainframe "¢ Leverage integrated tools from simple^ powerful code management through to deployment "¢ Onboard new mainframe developers more easily^ with lower training costs

  • Product not yet rated Recorded On: 08/22/2022

    This session will describe how we added z/OS development into our existing cloud native development pipeline, and moved to a developer experience platform team to provide DevSecOps capabilities to the entire CIO organization. This effort is to improve the overall developer experience as well as reduce the load on the organization removing the need for each team to invent their own pipeline capabilities. This move is to help us secure our software supply chain and follow the latest standards such as the requirements for SBOMs.

  • Product not yet rated Recorded On: 08/22/2022

    This session will discuss the transformation for DevSecOps for the IBM CIO internal systems to bring z/OS into the standard process and practices and pipelines used. This will discuss the steps to bring a common way of working across all teams and provide a core developer experience as a platform perspective.

  • Product not yet rated Recorded On: 08/03/2023

    IBM z16 delivered key innovations to help solve today's business challenges and accelerate digital transformation. The suite of compiler products has also been refreshed to support IBM z16 and provide new features for application modernization. This session covers new features and product directions of COBOL, PL/I, C/C++ and Java on IBM z16 and how they can help you take full advantage of IBM z16 architecture and accelerate digital transformation.

  • Product not yet rated Recorded On: 08/03/2023

    No this is not a political talk. There has been a tremendous focus on "shifting left" and how that will improve efficiency, reduce skill required, etc. However, DevSecOps is not a magic cure all to modernize and secure applications and their development processes. Every role, team, and environment has their own contributions to make to a secure supply chain and secure end deliverables. What types of scanners can be ran in an automated DevSecOps pipeline? What would be better off left to experts? Join us as we discuss how DevSecOps augments but does not replace development/test expertise and proper processes in enterprise systems.