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  • Product not yet rated

    Encryption is the solid foundation of a layered cybersecurity strategy. One of the challenges to a successful implementation and deployment of pervasive encryption is the number of groups and roles that have to be involved from the early planning stages to develop the appropriate policies and procedures. The speakers will leverage their experience of engaging with many clients as they started their pervasive encryption journey with z/OS data set encryption and provide best practices for planning and implementing pervasive encryption.

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    IBM MQ is the world's leading messaging system used by most of the top fortune 500 companies. Millions of messages, worth trillions of dollars, flow through IBM MQ every day. As a result of this success, the product continues to evolve and improve. Constant evolution and development is the bedrock of sustained success and IBM MQ is no exception to this. Attend this session to hear about the updates in the latest long-term support release IBM MQ V9.3 and its Continuous Delivery features. Learn about new functions and interfaces. We will cover z/OS and Distributed platforms, including Cloud deployment features and the MQ Appliance.

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    Every month there is a new story about an attack on Enterprise Data from ransomware^ malware^ insider threats or other corruption/destruction of data. This is a significant concern for many large organizations and to the associated industry regulatory bodies. Traditional High Availability and Disaster Recovery solutions provide no protection from this type of event. The speaker will discuss how IBM is responding to the phenomenon focusing on the concepts and solutions to protect and recover the core Enterprise Data from logical corruption. Included in the discussion will be the latest solution enhancements.

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    Threats to your company's data continue to rise and now come from many different sources including cyber attacks and attacks from privileged insiders. Protecting your data from these and other forms of logical corruption requires capabilities that go beyond those provided by traditional high availability and disaster recovery solutions which are designed to protect against natural disasters^ hardware failures^ and other types of physical impacts. In this session^ you will learn all about the IBM Z Cyber Vault solution. This enables you to take regular^ tamper proof^ point-in-time copies that are validated and stored in an air-gapped environment. This means that in the event of a logical corruption event^ your business can identify and recover far faster than was previously possible.

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    This session will start with a brief overview of all available Linux distributions on the IBM Z and LinuxONE platforms, before existing and upcoming features that are currently under development by IBM and the open source community are covered in depth, illustration how to apply effectively, and what aspects to pay attention to for maximum effectiveness. The presentation will address both, IBM Z-specific features, as well as platform-independent developments which are relevant to Linux on IBM Z and LinuxONE.

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    We will start out with a discussion of what Linux can bring to the plate to modernize z/OS, before moving on to an overview of the different ways to deploy Linux on IBM Z & LinuxONE. The advantages and limitations of the various deployment alternatives will be shown, as well as a look at available Linux distributions. Finally, technologies to be aware of will be shown in Linux will be shown, which can improve Linux and z/OS working together, as well as particular scenarios in which each technology can provide great benefits.

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    Red Hat OpenShift Container Platform provides the foundation for containerized workload on IBM Z and LinuxONE . Join us for the latest news, enhancements, and use cases available with Red Hat Openshift.

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    Join us for a demonstration of just how easy it is to build a REST API in minutes, using the powerful combination of hybrid cloud: a cloud-native development environment running on Red Hat OpenShift, with deployment on z/OS.

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    Enable your organizations to bridge the gap between COBOL/PL/I and modern applications, improve operational efficiency, reduce costs, and stay competitive in the rapidly evolving business landscape. This session will showcase use-cases and customer success stories to leverage existing COBOL, PL/I applications while gradually integrating Java, Node.js, Python or Go. Assess your organization's situation and use the best fit for purpose languages. You will leave this session with some hands-on solutions and use-cases worth deploying immediately.

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    Join to discover the latest happenings within the Java world, now IBM Semeru Runtime Certified Edition for z/OS v17, how it can help you modernize your business-critical applications for the hybrid cloud while fully taking advantage of new Java security features, IBM zSystems hardware and software stack. Focus on the Semeru 17, and importance of migration. Finally, identify Java interop opportunities with COBOL, PL/I, IMS, CICS, IDz and more.